Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Maui music

Flying like crazy lately. Work had me to DC & back on a 2-day trip for Sunday/Monday, then immediately off to Maui with the 2 girls yesterday. Over 17 hours of long-leg flying in 3 days.

I'm missing the bike, but that's OK - I think I just need some time away to renew my season (that barely even started for me yet). We'll get some much needed beach, pool and park time.
Weather is a perfect 82 degrees with very light winds (just enough to take the edge off a pale NW'ster) with only the remote chance for any rain until after we leave next Tuesday.

Staying in Wailea's Grand Champions Villa's in a nice 2-bedroom. Big girl will be wiggling her fanny later on at the local shops where they host some music (hopefully the hula band) on Wednesday nights, she'll 'leep good tonight. maybe lil girl will join in the fun.

So no Elma or PR the next week, and the prospect of racing anytime soon is dismal at best. I'll be looking to do some trip trades but it won't be until the Enumclaw Ominuim weekend that I'll have my first crack at racing since my little Easter Crit in Ontario.

In the meantime I'll be lathering up the 50 SPF sunblock and heading out for the day then we'll all be catching some ZZZZZZZZZZZ's; Mahalo!

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