Friday, November 6, 2009

Drug testing revisited

With the admission earlier the week of a top local WA racer of doping (or masking the fact that he doped) at track Nationals is one reason that I made the request last year to have the WSBA fund a grant for testing at the State RR we hosted this lastseason (or any of the WA State Championship events). Not that I knew of any specific athlete(s), but I have my suspicions' (though I admit Kenny wasn't one of them, which makes this all the more important).
Now if you believe this is isolated to just one athlete in a moment of weakness, then we don't need drug testing here in the NW. But I would think that this should be revisited by the WSBA Board.

To my friends, clients, competitors and USA Cycling officials,
My name is Kenny Williams and I've been racing my bike for 20 years. In June 2009 I broke and had surgery on my left collarbone. In my haste to return to the top of my game I purchased DHEA at the local Drug Store, without consulting anyone. 6 weeks later at Masters Track Nationals in Colorado Springs I was tested positive for this illegal drug. I do not deny the results of the test.
I am ashamed that I’ve done something that hurts the sport of cycling and the community of people who have become the most important part of my life. I’m facing the very real possibility that I can try for the rest of my life to regain the confidence of the cycling community and my friends, but this cloud will be with me for the rest of my life. I am not asking for forgiveness, because I am admitting to my mistake and own all the horrible feelings that come with my bad decision. I am hoping for compassion and understanding. Compassion that I never intended to hurt anyone and understanding that if I could have one re-do in my life that this would be it. As I have done throughout my whole athletic life I will fight to re-gain my reputation as a fair man, tough competitor and drug-free cyclist. You can trust me when I say that I will never take a short-cut like this ever again.
Bike racing is one of the most important things in my life, second to my wife, whom I owe the biggest apology to for being so irresponsible. I am sorry Annette. I also feel horrible about the results I took away from the other athletes that I raced against. I am very sorry to have disappointed all of them. To my sponsors and my clients, I am sorry. To all in the cycling community and my friends, I am sorry.
Sincerely, Kenny Williams
Tuesday, November 3

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