Monday, October 22, 2007

Flew into Miami Beach BOAC...

...couldn't get to bed last night..."

Alrighty Beatles fans I know the correct lyrics are "Flew in from Miami Beach BOAC...," but give me a little creative license will ya.

Well general title theme about sums up my all-niter to the Magic City arriving this morning (slightly tardy) at a little before 8AM this morning. And it was not BOAC but the Eskimo adorned tail of Alaska Airlines.

Anyway my goal of this today's entry is to out-do the 10K word response/discussion that Prudoggie had with "IleadthereforeIgive" while providing a multitude of useful links and correct spelling, all the while not mentioning the testosterone & caffeine infused topic that Prudog engaged in. I refuse to even mention Floyd Landis even once (DOH!). OK starting right now, no Floyd (Oh crap!) - right now!!

After only 3 1/2 hours of sleep I put together the Pocket Rocket anxiously looking forward to Monday's team ride. Again a not very well attended ride, but getting out solo with the Axley colors for some East Coast exposure in the beautiful weather (85F with matching humidity - put the Heat Index into the low-90's) was a wonderful thing to behold. Though filled with many multi syllable words and several scientific references you don't hear Prudog mentioning anything regards to HI in his blog, I wonder why? Conspiracy theories abound?

I haven't been to Miami in at least 10 years and haven't spent any significant time here since the demise of the Great Silver Fleet in '89. Though a bit bleary-eyed during the drive to the hotel, a lot has changed - for the better - along the Miami beachfront.

Out of the crew hotel (where the unofficial motto is "What's Miami is Yourami") in North Beach slathered in SPF 50, I take A1A north past Fort Lauderdale (yes Prudog there are forts - or there were) I miss all the driving blue haired centurions - who are either taking their afternoon nap or eating at the early bird special, passing about two dozen Trump properties whose vast real estate holdings surpass the enormity of Rosie's brassiere size.

A flat ride - 4" above sea level - except for the 10 (or so) waterway overpasses, I can understand why guys lose their climbing legs after hours (and days) of flatland riding (shud-dup Prudog!). With a grand max. elevation of approx. 30' my normally EZ Zone 1 pace skyrocketed on the killer climbs. Could also be contributed to the general lack of sleep and dehydrated state after the 6 hour flight (that's my story & I'm sticking to it).

The ride took me north past SMYT Beach where I am either 6 months late or early for the Spring Break mania, though their was no SB atmosphere there was still a lot of folks out enjoying the sunny day. I think the politicos have pretty much toned down SB here (like Palm Springs & elsewhere where the old guard is still in control), but it does live on in places like Cancún, Mexico; Rosarito; Acapulco; South Beach; Panama City Beach; South Padre Island, Texas; Negril, Jamaica; Nassau, Bahamas; and Puerto Vallarta.

An interesting aside here, USA Grocery in Hollywood Beach does not (I repeat DOES NOT) sell USAToday. Humm yeah I thought the same thing.

Anyway I continued northward past the Pelican Grand Beach resort, which hands down wins the place I'd rather stay in this part of the world. Not to be confused with the other Pelican named non-resort in northern CA.

Just up the road I spot a flier for a missing dog with a reward of $1,000! This must be some dog!? Further reading lists the missing canine as a very small white chihuahua. Though interestingly the info. was posted on the backside of a garage sale sign. SO my theory here is that RSOL (rich senile old lady) has a garage sale and sells dog then forgets & posts reward for its safe return OR the aforementioned RSOL actually has a Chinchilla and the monthly pest control guy mistakes it for a little white rat and takes the little guy out. Either scenario has the possibility of a good outcome dollar-wise if RSOL cannot tell the difference in the little guy you purchase at the local pet store.

Just before my turn around in the little hamlet of Hillsboro Beach (luxury villas on the east side of the road fronting the big A, while across the street lay the helicopter laden yachts on the inter coastal)) I pass a possum in the road, and I don't think he's playing; little X's in the eyes and all. After a few more minutes I turn and to my amazement the local policeman has stopped by the side of the road (lights ablaze) and is scooping up Mr. Possum into a plastic baggie and presumably taking it for appropriate disposal. How long the poor little guy was defacing the ritzy community road is unknown but I'll bet the response to this catastrophe was swift. I don't imagine Crockett & Tubbs providing the same service with their confiscated Ferrari Testarossa (where would they fit it?). Although Sonny did need some sustenance to keep his pet alligator - Elvis - hunger at bay. Can you hear Jan Hammer's (not to be confused with Franz Hammer) music as possum patrol completes it's task; nah probably not.

Ride back to the hotel via the same route I did notice a guy in a faded yellow jersey riding north, had me wondering just what Floyd (geez! OK rightttt nowww!!!) has done with all those MJ's he earned in 2006? Does Oscar, his former Phonak teammate, get them all? He should round them up and FEDEX them to Spain before the UCI goons show up at his door in Temecula.

Thus concludes a nice 4 1/2 hour team ride just prior to sunset. Fly back tomorrow non-stop, flight 17. Early get up notwithstanding (3:05AM Seattle body-clock-time yikes), it's been a nice trip - perhaps more teamies on the next outside-Seattle area-ride, which is tentatively set for NOV 2nd in Dallas. Until then it's been fun...

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