Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Why is it news...

...to talk about news?

Is Bill O'Reilly (of FOX Noise) wondering why Larry King (at CNN) in his interview with Al Gore was throwing softballs and not asking hard questions news? Also calling Stephan Colbert (Comedy Central) a nit-wit in an apparent never ending game of sticks & stones, is this news?

My personal favorite, Keith Olbermann (MSNBC), is always on the attack of the afore mentioned BillO as he is probably the most frequent winner of the "Worst Person in the World" award; and while very amusing, is it news? I think not!

While Colbert, Letterman, John Stewert, Bill Maher and the like are entertainers by trade - O'Reilly is not. And while I find Olbermann's observations and wit spot-on, entertaining even; MSNBC's moniker is "a fuller spectrum of news", mentioning gaffs of BillO will never be news.

Fox Noise for it's part, "We report. You Decide." is full of crap. Doing a feature titled "Does the Democratic Party have NBC News in its Pocket", that's fair & balanced? No spin, just news - pardon me while I go puke.

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