Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Cold & Wet

With temps in the hi-50's and showers all day, I normally wouldn't consider racing my bike. But with the season ending race on the line tonight - and the fact that we've finished 3rd & 2nd the last two races, watch out we're intent on closing it out on top.

9/1 update: So the track was wet, but not raining, and the temp's were OK with the intensity high enough for the short duration (35 minutes) that it was actually not unpleasant. I usually hate to use a double negative to describe a situation - but to say that it was comfortable would be overstating it. A small turnout of the tough guys willing to endure the wet showed guaranteeing a fast race. My tummy wasn't cooperating fully but my legs felt OK. Our tactics worked fairly well as we initiated & covered breaks and then secured 2nd in an attack on the final lap; which was probably better than it may have worked out in a bunch sprint.

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