Tuesday, November 2, 2010


That's the overall US estimate, based on 2006 data, of how many of us will vote today - WA State had a turnout of 47%; but why?

I mean why vote at all - what do the other 60% know that I don't?

Do they not vote because they:
are disgusted, flabbergasted, or appalled with the process?
are the ultimate undecided?
feel apathetic that their 1 measly vote won't matter?
let their spouse vote for them?
are too busy to participate?
are not registered?
can't find their polling place?
misplaced their absentee ballot?
lost their voter registration card?
intimidated by so-called "election observers"?
are supremely confident that all their candidates & issues will win?

Did you vote in my poll yet on which was the best rally?

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