Monday, November 1, 2010

Midterm Election simplified

Do you vote for the party or the person? Most would say person but when it comes down to it they really mean party. Like it or not - party ideology trumps individualism, especially on big ticket items.

The party of No! wants to reverse everything. The Tea (er Me) Party has evolved from its demand to reduce "big" government to ever increasing extremists views. They both blame the Democrats for running up the tab. But Supply-side & voodoo economics actually raised our debt to our present unimaginable level; which you can thank Reagan & the Bush's for that. Economics was never my strong point; but cutting taxes while increasing spending (mainly for defense buildup & wars) indicates to me a very bassackwards approach.

The Stimulus & Bailouts were, IMHO, a necessary evil. Yes, it raised our deficit spending to even greater levels, but it has help turn around the economy. The DOW is up, the GDP is up, 2010 YTD profits are up. Corporate America is stabilizing and growing. Yes unemployment & underemployment are still way too high, the lag confounding everyone as the economy improves; but job growth will slowly return. Deregulation is not the answer, neither is unfettered corporate greed - both flourish in Republican administrations.

So the question for tomorrow is - do you believe that change is possible & still desirable AND are willing to hold the line for what you voted for in 2008 OR do you go running to the naysayers & fear mongers and bring everything to a standstill?

Undecided? All you need to remember is that D is for drive, R is for reverse (and T is for all talk).

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