Tuesday, June 17, 2008

But I don't even play tennis?

Right elbow to be specific - Lateral Epicondylitis is the official name. How I got it I'm not sure but it sure isn't any fun.

I also was diagnosed a few years back with a slightly torn medial meniscus in my left knee. That bothers me a little walking and a lot running - so I don't run anymore. I can tell it's there after a hard training session, especially seated tension intervals, but for the most part cycling doesn't aggravate it to the point of any notice.

Doc says the tennis elbow will go away slowly on its own - that's not the case with my left knee. If I was younger it might heal itself - but for an aging guy like myself - it's only going to get worse.

The good news is when I decide to get the knee fixed - which I was holding off on until my Summit the Sun event was over (now postponed) - I'll get back to running. Which is something that I really miss, requires a lot less to haul around or get prepared for than cycling, and can do just about anywhere.

It's a bitch getting old.

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