Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Man on the Moon

Neil Armstrong wasn't the first American on the Moon in 1969 he was the first MAN on the Moon.

Obama has just achieved that status tonight.

Civil rights, race, gender, religious, sexual, and all other barriers and sub-categories continue to be whittled away one tiny bit at a time; though tonight was a big chunk. It won't happen in the next 4 (or 8) years. I doubt it'll even happen in my lifetime. Though I'd like to think in my children's lifetime - when people just look and deal with other people as people instead of trying to pigeon hole them into a certain class or caste.

I think Rodney King might be smiling tonight.

Postscript - 11/8
Several inquires as to my RK reference above. My thought process was to his famous quote "Why can't we all just get along." But I would also add that many millions of other folks were also smiling that day - me included.

Of the several who were not smiling (because of another result on election night) were those whose dreams of equality were vanquished by Prop. 8 in California which overturned their State Supreme Court ruling (4-3) that same sex marriage was in fact legal earlier this Summer. Now it's not. So sexual discrimination still exists! Why people care what 2 consenting adults do is beyond me?

I wonder how RK voted on Prop 8, if he voted (since as a convicted felon he is allowed to vote in CA, so long as he's not on parole)?


Anonymous said...


He was a doped up raging mess. I'm sure you can find someone more deserving than him.

justfivegrins said...

the obscure RK reference was to his famous phrase "Why can't we all just get along?" I think the Obama-rama election will go a long way in helping to achieve that goal. Another barrier broken.