Thursday, October 22, 2009

Loser of sore

After a couple weeks off the bike on vacation (where I reunited with my running self), I returned to cycling in full force today while on layover in Sacoftomatoes (CA State Capitol).

While I definitely enjoy running it doesn't come easily. As evidenced by the fact that I tweaked my lower right calf on a run right after nearly getting run over by Brian Babbitt on a trail loop south of Crescent Lake last Tuesday. I was limping around all day yesterday while trying to loosen it up with massage, stretching, and chasing the kiddo's.

But what me & my sore calf needed was a good 4 hour (mostly uninterrupted) spin on a perfect CA day (warm, light winds) with a perfect mix of flats, rollers, and some slight hills.

I plan on mixing up my off-season with running with perhaps some swimming (do I hear a return to a few triathlons next season?) to keep my cycling specific workouts as fresh as possible as the weather sours and some other athletes turn to pies for solace.

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