Thursday, October 15, 2009

Shaving - part 2

OK this question comes up to me every now & again, and it came up again today: "Why do you shave your legs?"

I think I began shaving approximately 20 years ago when I mostly raced triathlons and to my recollection first shaved for a race down in Cabo San Lucas around Halloween in 1990. I think I won my age-group in that race, and would attribute that to my newly smooth profile.

So back to my answer - as many athletes who shave you'll have just as many answers - I pose back to the questioner a question similar to that asked as to why I'm a vegetarian; "Why aren't you? Or in the case of shaving, "Why don't you? Or if they're a woman - "Why do you?"

Of course I knew several triathletes (mostly pro) who also shave their arms. And many other athletes (body builders, swimmers, etc.) who shave their entire exposed (& possibly unexposed) body.

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