Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Job opening

Stupid driver of the day award
This guy & I were minding our own business, chatting up a storm on small claims court, tort reform and chocolate torts, riding westbound on River Road in Fife when a trash-hauler trailer pulls out right in front of us making a left turn. Slowing & swerving toward the right I still managed to get in the way of trash dudes rear wheels, as the rear trailer wasn't on the same track as the front tractor. While I was in the scree of the intersection and at almost a standstill the trailers left rear tire nipped my left foot & banged into my rear wheel, fortunately a relatively slow speed.

To the guys credit he stops right away at our yelling & hollering. Though his first words proved why he hauls garbage for a living - he started trash talking right away. "I didn't see you guys, why were you in the middle of the road?" So that's your apology? Not,"Are you OK? Can I do anything for you? How's your bike?" No, he's being defensively offensive. Never admitting anything wrong, he's basically blaming me for getting in his way and that's why I got hit. We didn't give way to him pulling out in front of us - yeah that's good logic.

Cops arrive get every one's story, sort through the hysteria, and end up issuing a citation to Rubbish-man for failure to yield ("But I stopped!") - now you to can apply for his job.

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