Tuesday, May 19, 2009

1 hand clapping

The pilot group approved the tentative agreement today by what seems to be an overwhelming margin of 85%. With a 95% voter turnout over 1000 pilots voted in favor of the TA with less than 200 pilots voting against.

The sad part is that I think most of those who voted in favor were not necessarily voting YES as much as they weren't voting NO.

Nothing really outstanding - sure there are pay raises to be had - which is tough to argue against in the present economic situation; but they are tempered by increased scheduling flexibility, higher employee health insurance costs, and other items that lean toward the Company. It also created a trio of choices for current pilots for their retirement options (current plan, reduced DB & increased DC, or DC only), though new pilots will not get a choice (DC only). The old saying goes that pay rates ebb and flow but work rules & benefits given up never return.

Another respected pilot used to say that the only things that really mattered were "money & days off." If looked at in that regard we did OK.

I'm sure the news of the voting results were greeted by the management and shareholders at today's AAG annual shareholder meeting at the Museum of Flight with glee.

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