Wednesday, July 25, 2007

TdF predictions - part 2

Didn't see that one coming!

But I did correctly point out -
  • that Sastre would be on the attack early
  • that Disco would dance the 1-2 punch
  • that ultimately Rasmussen would be thoroughly licked (I didn't figure it'd be by his own team though)
  • and finally that Contador would be in yellow by days end

I should be flying off to LAS tomorrow instead of DFW (I did however fail to predict PruDogs untimely sniffles).

EZ days until the ITT Saturday for our top three podium contenders - who all have too much time on the remainder of the field to worry about anything but the final shuffle. So with the final 3 riders determined what about their podium order?

Unless the doping days of controversy continue unabated - Alberto will hold off a charge from Evans, but Evans will falter to a hungry Levi. Disco rides into Paris 1st & 2nd. Evans still makes all of Australia proud in 3rd.

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