Monday, January 19, 2009

Good riddance tour

Great ride out in the San Fran area today - headed out to the coast by Half Moon Bay and up over the Santa Cruz Mtns. Was out for about 3 hours on yet another spectacular day (albeit quite windy off the water) - motivated by the fact that this is the last full day GWB can do any more damage to our great country.

Ran into a group of riders from Rapha who are on day 2 of riding the ToC route, they dropped me on the climb south of Pacifica up to Devil's Slide.

BTW - I managed to practice what I preached earlier - stuffing my jersey pockets (several times) full of discarded material by the side of the road, which I emptied at the next available dumpster or trash can - the world (or at least a portion of the Santa Cruz Mtns) is a slightly cleaner and healthier place.

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