Went to HS in Spokane, WA. A graduate of Wazzu. Works for Banner Bank in Walla Walla.
Wrote an interesting note to Sarah Palin on her blog on May 21st:
Miss Palin: I want to point out that I, too, am a candidate for the US Senate in Washington State. You would like my conservative approach to defense, deficits, and other matters of national importance. You may be less enthusiastic about my views on some social issues. But I still think there is more room for diverse opinion under the Republican tent than under the Democratic tent.
Naturally, I have met Clint Didier. In fact, I just gave his people the benefit of my thinking on his milquetoast approach to campaigning. I actually asked when was it exactly that he cut of his brass? So far all he seems to be doing is papering the state with pretty flyers that everyone throws away. If he has made a forceful, passionate statement on any subject I guess I missed it.
There are a number of men running against Patty Murray....but I have an advantage over all of them. We all know what a bully is...and every time a good man has run against her eventually the Seattle Slimes (oops, I mean Seattle Times..) or the Public Intelligencer (oh, another little slip...I mean the Post Intelligencer) began to intimate that the poor little old mom in tennis shoes is getting bullied, and how dare they gang up on such a nice little women!
Now: not thinking, just say the English noun that means female bully....
There is none.
Oh, you can call me a bitch...but that word has taken on more general meanings. Hell, my Airedale Sophie is a bitch! And in my thirty + year career in banking, which is a man's profession (or more appropriately, a white man's profession,) I have heard a whole lot worse words applied to me. And I never compromised my ethics to accommodate anyone and on the occasions when I had to stand up for a customer or a principle and or perhaps confront a bank executive or an obnoxious customer, there were never any personal ramifications to me.
So I say that I am the only candidate that can take on Patty tit to tit and win because I too, am a woman. And yes, I am getting some good advise from a man whose name you would well recognize. His name is not relevant....and he's staying under the radar and is also pretty busy in his own right, but he is taking an interest and has advised me not to show my hand too quickly. I am heeding that advise.
May we talk? Here's an idea....why don't you come to Walla Walla? We have an airport that can accommodate medium sized aircraft - and we have two flights a day via Horizon Airlines whether we need them or not. And this wouldn't be a media event unless that is what you what. (My neighbors are decidedly incurious about what goes on around here...) Hell, you could even head up the valley to see old Clint!
We could sit by the pool in the warm SE Washington sunshine, play with the dogs, have an adult beverage, and just talk. And I can offer you a comfortable bed in which t rest.
I'm here. Just let me know your wishes.
No word on any get together - though I'd think anything that Sarah does is for her benefit, thus publicity would be the game. Though on July 21st the half-term governor endorsed tea party boy Clint Didier.
Sorta nice plug for Horizon Airlines, whether they need it or not.
I think she is running out of time (AUG 17th primary) & would be advised to show something quickly, I doubt her hand would be enough - perhaps planning to bare all; which after a 30+ year banking career would be bad advice.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Friday, July 30, 2010
Keep the bums in
Just received my Voters' Pamphlet in the mail this afternoon - and I'm convinced that the current crop of candidates inspires me to keep most, if not all, incumbent candidates in office. Though the primary election is three weeks away (AUG 17th) - it'll cut the predenders from the contenders. Not registered - get registered!
These are the current crop who paid the $1,740 filing fee to be on the list for candidate for US Senator (in order listed):
Ms. Gruber - no info. submitted, no picture, no statement = no votes for you!
Mr. Said - has elected experience as comity chair - oh really? The definition of comity is "a state or atmosphere of harmony or mutual civility & respect." We have a chairman of that? After reading his statement - maybe his experience should also include comedy chair.
Mr Goodspaceguy - you just gotta love the fact that he has ponied up the $$ to officially run for office - I'd suggest that somebody else proof his statement to officially unsabotage his campaign. We do share a like for the same favorite book.
Mike the Mover - perennial original flake.
Mr Akers - "America is begging for authentic, proven leadership." Elected experience - ah well - a glaring goose egg.
Mr. Latimer - Does God really care if this guy does or doesn't get elected.
Mr. Mercer - As he covets his physics background as a climate specialist he then can apply that knowledge to solve the economy how? He appears to be severely worried about securing our borders - damn too many Canadians anyway.
Mr. Didier - One too many blows to the head during football career. That Sarah Palin endorsement will do more to hurt than help. I realize he probably doesn't realize that.
Mr. Leonard - Why don't you just state that you do not have any experience in community service. Ends his sorta patriotic, strong, feel good statement with, "Good fences make good neighbors." Is he referring to a lovey white picket fence, or an impenetrable fence on the border (again damn Canadians), the fenced in gated community he probably lives in, or the electrified razorwire that runs around his personal property? Aim high! Oh wait, wrong branch of service.
Ms. Murray, incumbent - with all the fighting I'd have expected her picture to be more black & blue.
Mr. Burr - a former VP of R&D at The Rock, probably one of the 1% haves he mentions - has him sitting pretty good so as to not accept any private $$ for his campaign. Other than that - he has the experience, and writes a good game.
Mr. Chovil - Duke, Wild Bill, or Newman! would be good pseudonyms, but I wouldn't want to defame any of those with any association to this guy - who if elected may just go postal.
Mr. Rossi - 1 against 99; after twice losing the governors race he now targets the Senate with his simple plan to "pass a Balanced Budget Amendment, because neither Republicans or Democrats in Washington, D.C. have any discipline spending your money." Oh that along with; fix the tax code & replace the health care bill. Simple things for simple minds or just plain simpleton; let the voters decide.
Mr. Allen - will be inaccessible on 1 day during the leap year.
Mr. Baker - Just the facts: no experience, no professional resume, no education = no way!
These are the current crop who paid the $1,740 filing fee to be on the list for candidate for US Senator (in order listed):
Ms. Gruber - no info. submitted, no picture, no statement = no votes for you!
Mr. Said - has elected experience as comity chair - oh really? The definition of comity is "a state or atmosphere of harmony or mutual civility & respect." We have a chairman of that? After reading his statement - maybe his experience should also include comedy chair.
Mr Goodspaceguy - you just gotta love the fact that he has ponied up the $$ to officially run for office - I'd suggest that somebody else proof his statement to officially unsabotage his campaign. We do share a like for the same favorite book.
Mike the Mover - perennial original flake.
Mr Akers - "America is begging for authentic, proven leadership." Elected experience - ah well - a glaring goose egg.
Mr. Latimer - Does God really care if this guy does or doesn't get elected.
Mr. Mercer - As he covets his physics background as a climate specialist he then can apply that knowledge to solve the economy how? He appears to be severely worried about securing our borders - damn too many Canadians anyway.
Mr. Didier - One too many blows to the head during football career. That Sarah Palin endorsement will do more to hurt than help. I realize he probably doesn't realize that.
Mr. Leonard - Why don't you just state that you do not have any experience in community service. Ends his sorta patriotic, strong, feel good statement with, "Good fences make good neighbors." Is he referring to a lovey white picket fence, or an impenetrable fence on the border (again damn Canadians), the fenced in gated community he probably lives in, or the electrified razorwire that runs around his personal property? Aim high! Oh wait, wrong branch of service.
Ms. Murray, incumbent - with all the fighting I'd have expected her picture to be more black & blue.
Mr. Burr - a former VP of R&D at The Rock, probably one of the 1% haves he mentions - has him sitting pretty good so as to not accept any private $$ for his campaign. Other than that - he has the experience, and writes a good game.
Mr. Chovil - Duke, Wild Bill, or Newman! would be good pseudonyms, but I wouldn't want to defame any of those with any association to this guy - who if elected may just go postal.
Mr. Rossi - 1 against 99; after twice losing the governors race he now targets the Senate with his simple plan to "pass a Balanced Budget Amendment, because neither Republicans or Democrats in Washington, D.C. have any discipline spending your money." Oh that along with; fix the tax code & replace the health care bill. Simple things for simple minds or just plain simpleton; let the voters decide.
Mr. Allen - will be inaccessible on 1 day during the leap year.
Mr. Baker - Just the facts: no experience, no professional resume, no education = no way!
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Chicago street sign guys (& gals)
I was in Chicago today - but it could've been anywhere. Do you ever pay any attention to those guys standing by the side of the road with some kinda sign pushing whatever? I don't really give them too much attention when driving my car, but I gotta front row seat at 3 different intersections of varying versions of the street sign folks while out for a quick bike ride.
First guy was very entertaining - dancing, prancing, had a sign he'd twist, twirl, flip, make go through his legs, behind his back; all the while seemingly enjoying his antics (smiling, waving). Even after he dropped his card, the show continued. He looked at it like it betrayed him ("how come you just laying there?"), he stomped on it ("take that"), he put his hands on his waste ('WELL"), and then he picked it up and his routine continued. This all happened while waiting for my light to change 30-40 seconds max. The problem was with all his enthusiasm it was very difficult to see exactly what he was advertising - $5 pizza - but I couldn't understand where? And it wasn't obvious looking around either.
Next guy was on the total opposite spectrum of enthusiasm. He slouched, barely moved, had a bad expression on his face, with a cigarette dangling from his lips - holding a signing in the shape of an arrow pointing across the street that read "1/2 OFF SALE" in big letters and the words "Salvation Army" in small letters. No twirling, dancing or waving from this guy; and his arrow wasn't even pointing at the Salvation Army store, which was behind him. It also begs the question - the Salvation Army (like the Goodwill & others) gets its items donated to them, they have little investment in the items their selling (beyond possibly some cosmetic repair) - why would they price anything so high that it didn't sell that they then have to hold a 1/2 price sale?
The last intersection I witnessed was a couple of bouncy young ladies (high school-ish age or younger?) all eager to wash cars; or in my case my clown bike. Now I thought the first guy had energy, but these girls put him to shame. Not only did they have the dancing & twirling thing going, they had music and verbal brashness to entice customers into their sudsy lair.
The girls were only doing this once a year (maybe once a lifetime) - fundraising effort of some kind; while the guys were most likely at it full time. If the girls wear out, they have replacements they can call over. The guys had no reinforcements.
I realize how little I know of the insides & secrets to the street corner card twirling advertising profession - if it's a different gig every day, new signs, new corners, or if it's the same ol day in - day out? What kinda perks & benefits do they get for standing there in all kinds of weather, with exhaust permeating your existence all day? Does OSHA get involved here? How's in depth is the interview process for that job? Would they hire the handicapped? What are the limits on your roaming? Do you get any breaks? Can you bring a chair? Do you get a shoe allowance? How many corner card twirling guys can one street corner handle? Is it like panhandling - first come first served? Are there municipal codes that need to be followed (permits, sign size, etc.)? So many unanswered questions.
I know one thing - probably the first thing that they're told in street corner twirling school is to get the hell outta Dodge in case there's an accident in the intersection - that distracted driver is sure going to point to sign twirler guy as the root cause. Really $5 pizza - where??? Smashhhhh.
First guy was very entertaining - dancing, prancing, had a sign he'd twist, twirl, flip, make go through his legs, behind his back; all the while seemingly enjoying his antics (smiling, waving). Even after he dropped his card, the show continued. He looked at it like it betrayed him ("how come you just laying there?"), he stomped on it ("take that"), he put his hands on his waste ('WELL"), and then he picked it up and his routine continued. This all happened while waiting for my light to change 30-40 seconds max. The problem was with all his enthusiasm it was very difficult to see exactly what he was advertising - $5 pizza - but I couldn't understand where? And it wasn't obvious looking around either.
Next guy was on the total opposite spectrum of enthusiasm. He slouched, barely moved, had a bad expression on his face, with a cigarette dangling from his lips - holding a signing in the shape of an arrow pointing across the street that read "1/2 OFF SALE" in big letters and the words "Salvation Army" in small letters. No twirling, dancing or waving from this guy; and his arrow wasn't even pointing at the Salvation Army store, which was behind him. It also begs the question - the Salvation Army (like the Goodwill & others) gets its items donated to them, they have little investment in the items their selling (beyond possibly some cosmetic repair) - why would they price anything so high that it didn't sell that they then have to hold a 1/2 price sale?
The last intersection I witnessed was a couple of bouncy young ladies (high school-ish age or younger?) all eager to wash cars; or in my case my clown bike. Now I thought the first guy had energy, but these girls put him to shame. Not only did they have the dancing & twirling thing going, they had music and verbal brashness to entice customers into their sudsy lair.
The girls were only doing this once a year (maybe once a lifetime) - fundraising effort of some kind; while the guys were most likely at it full time. If the girls wear out, they have replacements they can call over. The guys had no reinforcements.
I realize how little I know of the insides & secrets to the street corner card twirling advertising profession - if it's a different gig every day, new signs, new corners, or if it's the same ol day in - day out? What kinda perks & benefits do they get for standing there in all kinds of weather, with exhaust permeating your existence all day? Does OSHA get involved here? How's in depth is the interview process for that job? Would they hire the handicapped? What are the limits on your roaming? Do you get any breaks? Can you bring a chair? Do you get a shoe allowance? How many corner card twirling guys can one street corner handle? Is it like panhandling - first come first served? Are there municipal codes that need to be followed (permits, sign size, etc.)? So many unanswered questions.
I know one thing - probably the first thing that they're told in street corner twirling school is to get the hell outta Dodge in case there's an accident in the intersection - that distracted driver is sure going to point to sign twirler guy as the root cause. Really $5 pizza - where??? Smashhhhh.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Fired my mechanic today - for good this time.
Hot afternoon for the Crit yesterday - flat, fast, with a tight corner where everybody would bottleneck - though no crashes, no blood, no ambulance. Started at the very back but wound my way through the field bit by bit & found myself at the pointy end of the pack with about 7-8 laps to go. Too early. Field reshuffled & was still sitting in decent position and managed to finish 13th on the stage. Didn't have a need to shift my front derailleur - stayed in the big chainring the whole race.
Today for the CR we enjoyed a full road closure just like the big boys - props to the Cascade Classic organization. Doing 4 laps of a 17+ mile circuit, with one moderate 1/2 mile climb and one steeper (15%) section. I started again at the very tail end of the bunch - this time by design, trying to minimize my exposure and see what was transpiring up the road. A few attacks early but everything under control as nobody was seeing anything get away on the 1st lap. The moderate climb up to the feed zone was a big chainring climb so I only had to worry about shifting once per lap - up the steeper section. After the first time up the steep section I shifted just fine and was a happy camper. We lost several folks on the first lap & I was hoping to see a few more fall back on subsequent laps.
Little did I know that I would get what I asked for. Second time up the feed zone hill again in the big chainring no problem. 2nd time up the steeper section I let a small gap form - but nothing that couldn't be gained back after the crest (slight downhill to a few rollers before the longer downhill to the start of the next lap). Then I threw my chain - oh crap. Shifted it back to the little ring on the fly and attempted another upshift - that's when it wrapped around my crank again - just like Friday. I stopped, got out of the road, again fighting to free the chain. When I finally do I scream up the course in chase. Coming to the start corner I see nobody, no trailing racers or follow vehicles - so I choose to continue further around the roundabout back to the school & drive home. I'd rather take an early DNF than ride solo for another 2 laps.
Got to fix this shifting issue before my dual with Andy & Bert next year.
Today for the CR we enjoyed a full road closure just like the big boys - props to the Cascade Classic organization. Doing 4 laps of a 17+ mile circuit, with one moderate 1/2 mile climb and one steeper (15%) section. I started again at the very tail end of the bunch - this time by design, trying to minimize my exposure and see what was transpiring up the road. A few attacks early but everything under control as nobody was seeing anything get away on the 1st lap. The moderate climb up to the feed zone was a big chainring climb so I only had to worry about shifting once per lap - up the steeper section. After the first time up the steep section I shifted just fine and was a happy camper. We lost several folks on the first lap & I was hoping to see a few more fall back on subsequent laps.
Little did I know that I would get what I asked for. Second time up the feed zone hill again in the big chainring no problem. 2nd time up the steeper section I let a small gap form - but nothing that couldn't be gained back after the crest (slight downhill to a few rollers before the longer downhill to the start of the next lap). Then I threw my chain - oh crap. Shifted it back to the little ring on the fly and attempted another upshift - that's when it wrapped around my crank again - just like Friday. I stopped, got out of the road, again fighting to free the chain. When I finally do I scream up the course in chase. Coming to the start corner I see nobody, no trailing racers or follow vehicles - so I choose to continue further around the roundabout back to the school & drive home. I'd rather take an early DNF than ride solo for another 2 laps.
Got to fix this shifting issue before my dual with Andy & Bert next year.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Only 16 miles long, uphill to the turnaround then fly on the way down - http://connect.garmin.com/activity/41642069
Rode my R2.5 rather than my heavier TT bike, at a nice tempo pace trying not to overdo it since making up time isn't a priority; but I didn't want to be too slow. Didn't shift out of big chainring - a la Kerry Ferrell; shifting's overrated anyway.
Rode my R2.5 rather than my heavier TT bike, at a nice tempo pace trying not to overdo it since making up time isn't a priority; but I didn't want to be too slow. Didn't shift out of big chainring - a la Kerry Ferrell; shifting's overrated anyway.
Friday, July 23, 2010
If I saw the sign I would've been better prepared

This has happened previously & is usually no big deal - most of the time I shift this back into place without too much hassle on the fly. Not this time, it was seriously stuck - I stopped right away. After wrestling about 2 minutes of frantic-ness I was again on my way - with everybody (even those dropped on the climb) now ahead of me. I passed 2 stragglers almost immediately but with a serious extended downhill the pack was gone. Bottom of the descent several miles later on a flattish straight portion of the course I timed the pack at 4 minutes ahead - that was the last I had an opportunity to see them. Solo'd about 67 miles (though it wasn't nearly as bad as a certain Scot).
The lead break of CAT 3's (who started 10 minutes in arrears) caught me at 1:15 at about 27 miles, with the main group catching me 10 minutes later. I shadowed them at a respectable distance when several inadvertently connected just after halfway - one guy was crumpled up pretty good and probably had some broken something, with many more standing around adjusting whatever got twisted upon going down.
Continuing on in my tempo mode I caught several other CAT 3's dropped from their pack while some more of the crashed rode by in chase.
I stayed away from the lead CAT 4's (who started 20 minutes behind) just prior to the 5K to go sign (right after the illegal feed from a kind group offering H2O, coke, water, ice baths, & beer - thanks guys).
Tomorrow I will probably not ride too strong during the morning TT, and concentrate on a good result for the PM Crit. Time overall for the GC is not a consideration anymore - individual efforts to do well in the remaining stages that I can contest will prevail. Of course if I missed the time cut & get DQ'd for being too far behind today - I might be just driving home.
Update - results are posted & have me 2nd to last - but I've got a start time for tomorrow's TT, yea!
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
TdF Commercials
It's daunting the frequency of the slick car commercials (Cadillac, Nissan, Range Rover, etc.) on Verses rather than those pushing bikes (some Cervelo spots with the occasional Specialized) or related (Road ID & SRAM)? Am I missing something?
Yes we see a lot of bikes during the segments between the commercials & even a few bike technology updates (that mask as infomercials from the various support personnel to the teams); but I don't wonder looking at the interior what kind of car Brian Holm's driving when he's talking to his racers (HTC - Columbia), or the race officials vehicle (it's red), or Mavic support (they're yellow), or for that matter the fleet of media helicopters? I don't care about the pre-race or following caravan - they're supporting the BIKE RACE.
So when they cut away from the bike race, I want to see more about bikes. Where's Trek? Where's Cannondale? Where's Giro, Garmin, Gin Optics, etc.? I want more bikes - this is their 3 weeks to exploit bikes & everything that has to do with bikes - make it sexy, make it funny, make it memorable.
Memo: To those marketing folks in the bike industry; you're missing a grand (tour) opportunity.
OK, breathe - I'm having a little race withdrawal during the last rest day in anticipation of tomorrow's last epic Mtn stage - gotta go for a ride.
Yes we see a lot of bikes during the segments between the commercials & even a few bike technology updates (that mask as infomercials from the various support personnel to the teams); but I don't wonder looking at the interior what kind of car Brian Holm's driving when he's talking to his racers (HTC - Columbia), or the race officials vehicle (it's red), or Mavic support (they're yellow), or for that matter the fleet of media helicopters? I don't care about the pre-race or following caravan - they're supporting the BIKE RACE.
So when they cut away from the bike race, I want to see more about bikes. Where's Trek? Where's Cannondale? Where's Giro, Garmin, Gin Optics, etc.? I want more bikes - this is their 3 weeks to exploit bikes & everything that has to do with bikes - make it sexy, make it funny, make it memorable.
Memo: To those marketing folks in the bike industry; you're missing a grand (tour) opportunity.
OK, breathe - I'm having a little race withdrawal during the last rest day in anticipation of tomorrow's last epic Mtn stage - gotta go for a ride.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Sealed my fate

I've done a few tempo mountain training rides recently - one up Hurricane Ridge on a hot afternoon & the other down in SoCAL up the Glendora Ridge to Mt Baldy Village in sweltering heat. I survived them both - and with the absence of water on the Glendora Ridge ride I did darn well. This does not necessarily make me mountain ready for racing, nor have I done a TT in awhile - but the weather in Bend next weekend is looking rather pleasant (upper 70's - mid 80's); which is in my favor. And I've done a few Crits.
What am I thinking?
Anybody have a place they want to share costs with in Bend?
Monday, July 12, 2010
Back from the dead

Downloading the last route has about 4.5 miles missing from the final part of the climb, but seems to have captured the full descent - WTF? This unit is 6 months old and besides being occasionally a little slow in acquiring the satellite position on start-up hasn't really given me a lick o'trouble until now. Maybe it was a solar flare or something?
Sunday, July 11, 2010
2 guys?
Disappearing from the news - speculation about the names of the 2 unnamed who're said to be cooperating in the investigation based on Landis' allegations.
As has been reported in the WSJ - the #1 racer - George Hincapie, not! Tabloid rag.
I'd surmise Dave Zabriskie. Remember in the opening TT of the '05 TdF when Lance passed a dazed Ullrich to open up more than a minute on his main rival - Lance didn't win that stage, Zabriskie did. He inexplicably crashed in the Stage 4 TTT and dropped out a few days after. But if you look at the top 10 finishing order at the end of Lance's 7th win in '05 it reads like a dopers encyclopedia - 2nd Basso, 3rd Ullrich, 4th Mancebo, 6th Vinokourov, 7th Rasmussen, 9th Landis. Touted as a good all-arounder he's been missing in action so far at this year's TdF - none of the usual antics; something's on his mind.
The #2 racer - Christain Vande Velde. OK, yeah I know, he wasn't among those publicly named, but I'd suspect - especially now that he's now available to talk - that he'll at the very least be a person of interest. He's been around the sport a long time, started his pro career with USPS (1998-2003) rode the TdF in support of Lance in '99 & '01, and his progression from domestique to the top ranks finishing 4th in '08 & 8th at the TdF last year. Knows stuff & not afraid to spill beans.
Both these guys currently race for the Garmin-Transitions team whose Director has given the green light to cooperate about past transgressions.
My dark horse would be Levi Leipheimer. Seems to be more reserved than his quiet self, though still doing interviews on Verses. His career has been very successful right from the start - though has previously been sanctioned for a minor drug violation as an amateur after winning the Elite National Crit in '96. His quick progression to 3rd in the Vuelta in '01, while doing extremely well over the years at the Deutschland Tour, Dauphiné Libéré, Tour of Georgia, & the Tour of CA; while virtually tying Contador on the road in the Vuelta in '08 (time bonuses to his teammate relegated him to place 2nd overall); leads my suspicion pointing his direction.
What say you?
As has been reported in the WSJ - the #1 racer - George Hincapie, not! Tabloid rag.
I'd surmise Dave Zabriskie. Remember in the opening TT of the '05 TdF when Lance passed a dazed Ullrich to open up more than a minute on his main rival - Lance didn't win that stage, Zabriskie did. He inexplicably crashed in the Stage 4 TTT and dropped out a few days after. But if you look at the top 10 finishing order at the end of Lance's 7th win in '05 it reads like a dopers encyclopedia - 2nd Basso, 3rd Ullrich, 4th Mancebo, 6th Vinokourov, 7th Rasmussen, 9th Landis. Touted as a good all-arounder he's been missing in action so far at this year's TdF - none of the usual antics; something's on his mind.
The #2 racer - Christain Vande Velde. OK, yeah I know, he wasn't among those publicly named, but I'd suspect - especially now that he's now available to talk - that he'll at the very least be a person of interest. He's been around the sport a long time, started his pro career with USPS (1998-2003) rode the TdF in support of Lance in '99 & '01, and his progression from domestique to the top ranks finishing 4th in '08 & 8th at the TdF last year. Knows stuff & not afraid to spill beans.
Both these guys currently race for the Garmin-Transitions team whose Director has given the green light to cooperate about past transgressions.
My dark horse would be Levi Leipheimer. Seems to be more reserved than his quiet self, though still doing interviews on Verses. His career has been very successful right from the start - though has previously been sanctioned for a minor drug violation as an amateur after winning the Elite National Crit in '96. His quick progression to 3rd in the Vuelta in '01, while doing extremely well over the years at the Deutschland Tour, Dauphiné Libéré, Tour of Georgia, & the Tour of CA; while virtually tying Contador on the road in the Vuelta in '08 (time bonuses to his teammate relegated him to place 2nd overall); leads my suspicion pointing his direction.
What say you?
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Mile 1 on the run...
...is when I woke up. Actually mile 1 on the run is where I should have been when I woke up @ 10AM!
I woke up briefly at 5AM, looked at my ankle, & turned off the alarm (which was set for 5:30). Not included in my list of excuses was a twisted throbbing ankle resulting from moving my kiddo's stuff out of the way so I could load up the van for today's races.
After about 5 minutes of searing pain, which I still can't fathom how it got twisted in the first place - I guess I forgot how to walk all of a sudden, I limped into the house. I immediately threw on an elastic brace, and an ice bag, and elevated it (RICE, just like your supposed to) and watched the replay of 'boy racer" winning his 2nd consecutive stage at the TdF. And it helped. After about an hour I gimped around loading up the van in anticipation that I could still pull it off & then went to bed.
I still have hopes to race at the Derby Days Crit this afternoon - but we'll see how it goes.
3:30 update - just up from a nap and Derby Days starts without me - Prudog is free to ride for his own result.
I woke up briefly at 5AM, looked at my ankle, & turned off the alarm (which was set for 5:30). Not included in my list of excuses was a twisted throbbing ankle resulting from moving my kiddo's stuff out of the way so I could load up the van for today's races.
After about 5 minutes of searing pain, which I still can't fathom how it got twisted in the first place - I guess I forgot how to walk all of a sudden, I limped into the house. I immediately threw on an elastic brace, and an ice bag, and elevated it (RICE, just like your supposed to) and watched the replay of 'boy racer" winning his 2nd consecutive stage at the TdF. And it helped. After about an hour I gimped around loading up the van in anticipation that I could still pull it off & then went to bed.
I still have hopes to race at the Derby Days Crit this afternoon - but we'll see how it goes.
3:30 update - just up from a nap and Derby Days starts without me - Prudog is free to ride for his own result.
Friday, July 9, 2010
Lining up my tri excuses & predictions
It's put up & shut up time - tomorrow I do my 1st sprint tri (or any tri) in several years. So I was putting together my essential stuff - 1 bike, 2 pair of shoes, helmet, and modest garment to race in. I'll try to remember my goggles (though it's fresh water) & perhaps a pair of socks & a post race towel.
I swam once this week (Monday in ANC in a 20 yard pool with 3 blue hairs, who made me feel like I was Michael Phelps), which makes for once in the last 3 months or so. Both wetsuits I own are torn, so I'll be without much needed floatation aid. Though at least the water should be warm after the last couple days of scorching weather. Anybody have a raft they can tow me in? Looking at about 10-12 minutes.
T1 should be a laugh, rushed mayhem, & will be a little over a minute or thereabouts.
I can't remember when I last rode my TT bike (probably Walla Walla a few years back) - I guess I need to clean the cobwebs off. I hope the tires & tubes aren't too worn/aged. Planning on getting in the groove for the 14.5ish mile ride in about 40ish minutes. I haven't had this kind of sustained effort in awhile. Watch for those rollers near the turnaround if I remember correctly.
T2 should be even quicker with less folks - under a minute in & out.
Running was never my strong point. I used to be proud when I'd hold my own getting passed by the same number of runners than I could manage to pass. It'll not be any stronger as I don't really run too much anymore; though I'd like to find time to. I have had a few more runs than swims lately - just hoping not to get passed by too many folks, especially the geriatric set, after I stumble out of T2. I expect that just about when I'll start to feel comfortable - I'll probably be coming into the finishing chute; 28-30 minutes.
I've done this race often - last event (that I can find results from anyway) was '99 when I won the 40-44 age group. My finishing times have ranged from 1:15 - 1:19; and I don't have any pretension about meeting or beating those; 1:25 -1:30 would be fine. Winning my age group would be a dream, & wouldn't really say too much about the level of competition.
I just hope my niece doesn't have to wait too long for me at the finish.
I swam once this week (Monday in ANC in a 20 yard pool with 3 blue hairs, who made me feel like I was Michael Phelps), which makes for once in the last 3 months or so. Both wetsuits I own are torn, so I'll be without much needed floatation aid. Though at least the water should be warm after the last couple days of scorching weather. Anybody have a raft they can tow me in? Looking at about 10-12 minutes.
T1 should be a laugh, rushed mayhem, & will be a little over a minute or thereabouts.
I can't remember when I last rode my TT bike (probably Walla Walla a few years back) - I guess I need to clean the cobwebs off. I hope the tires & tubes aren't too worn/aged. Planning on getting in the groove for the 14.5ish mile ride in about 40ish minutes. I haven't had this kind of sustained effort in awhile. Watch for those rollers near the turnaround if I remember correctly.
T2 should be even quicker with less folks - under a minute in & out.
Running was never my strong point. I used to be proud when I'd hold my own getting passed by the same number of runners than I could manage to pass. It'll not be any stronger as I don't really run too much anymore; though I'd like to find time to. I have had a few more runs than swims lately - just hoping not to get passed by too many folks, especially the geriatric set, after I stumble out of T2. I expect that just about when I'll start to feel comfortable - I'll probably be coming into the finishing chute; 28-30 minutes.
I've done this race often - last event (that I can find results from anyway) was '99 when I won the 40-44 age group. My finishing times have ranged from 1:15 - 1:19; and I don't have any pretension about meeting or beating those; 1:25 -1:30 would be fine. Winning my age group would be a dream, & wouldn't really say too much about the level of competition.
I just hope my niece doesn't have to wait too long for me at the finish.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
TdF on the radio
Do you remember the radio? As in AM/FM radio. Remember listening to the ball game on the radio when you were a little kid? How descriptive the announcer could be in detailing the game while really listening. My local baseball announcer was Hall-of Famer Vin Scully, but every town has one sort of like him. He would make you feel as if you were there, every moment, detail, & statistic at hand. You could almost smell the hot dogs, and taste the roasted peanuts (or vice versa).
Amazingly it would go too far when actually going to the game and seeing everybody with their transistor radios held up to their ear while watching the game. You're already there - do your own damn play-by-play. Why do you need anybody telling you what you're watching - you're right there!
In big time bike racing they still have - for the time being - radios in use at big events. These radios are not for you & I to listen in on, they are for private conversations between race director & racer(s). The race director is listening to race radio from the race officials & event organizers, and most recently live TV coverage via satellite or internet. In certain cases he's also getting updates from key personnel stationed roadside.
Though radios are slowly being phased out of racing; I think, until they are gone for good, somebody should make the communication between the race directors & the racer(s) public. And in real time so other race directors (and thus their racers) have the same information. No secrets. If you're going to use the radio for tactical purposes - everybody's going to know it. If a bike swap is coming, somebody has a flat, or indigestion - public knowledge.
If the resistance to the idea of competing without radios is racer safety - loss of awareness of problems such as poor road surfaces, hairpin turns, dangerous roundabouts near the finish, etc.; why don't we have everybody scripted to the same message. Maybe we could have the same monotone voice that has invaded every GPS equipped car, or better yet have Phil Liggett in their earpiece - "watch out boys for loose dog 200 meters", "g-stringers running up hillside on left", "devil w/pitchfork inside next hairpin, cover your arse."
That'd make the pre-race tactical discussions more important, letting the race unfold and having racers make their decisions on the fly as it does at every other level. Teamies would actually have to talk to each other during the race if a change of plans is required. They're right there - they don't need somebody telling them what they're already watching, or should be attentive to. Racer intuition would kick in, and actual inspired & unscripted racing may result.
Amazingly it would go too far when actually going to the game and seeing everybody with their transistor radios held up to their ear while watching the game. You're already there - do your own damn play-by-play. Why do you need anybody telling you what you're watching - you're right there!
In big time bike racing they still have - for the time being - radios in use at big events. These radios are not for you & I to listen in on, they are for private conversations between race director & racer(s). The race director is listening to race radio from the race officials & event organizers, and most recently live TV coverage via satellite or internet. In certain cases he's also getting updates from key personnel stationed roadside.
Though radios are slowly being phased out of racing; I think, until they are gone for good, somebody should make the communication between the race directors & the racer(s) public. And in real time so other race directors (and thus their racers) have the same information. No secrets. If you're going to use the radio for tactical purposes - everybody's going to know it. If a bike swap is coming, somebody has a flat, or indigestion - public knowledge.
If the resistance to the idea of competing without radios is racer safety - loss of awareness of problems such as poor road surfaces, hairpin turns, dangerous roundabouts near the finish, etc.; why don't we have everybody scripted to the same message. Maybe we could have the same monotone voice that has invaded every GPS equipped car, or better yet have Phil Liggett in their earpiece - "watch out boys for loose dog 200 meters", "g-stringers running up hillside on left", "devil w/pitchfork inside next hairpin, cover your arse."
That'd make the pre-race tactical discussions more important, letting the race unfold and having racers make their decisions on the fly as it does at every other level. Teamies would actually have to talk to each other during the race if a change of plans is required. They're right there - they don't need somebody telling them what they're already watching, or should be attentive to. Racer intuition would kick in, and actual inspired & unscripted racing may result.
Sunday, July 4, 2010
OK my top 10 list of excuses...
...for failing so miserably to break the top 10 at Joe's today.
10. They started the races too early & I didn't get enough sleep.
9. Distracted at registration by old friend & didn't get a proper warm up.
8. & 7. The A/B pace was too slow & the pack was continually swarming allowing no escapes.
6. 5. & 4. My replacement bike is too old, too heavy, & doesn't shift properly.
3. The C/D pack was way too sketchy the whole time.
2. See yesterday's workout.
and the #1 excuse. My lead-out train failed to materialize.
I also thought better than to wait around for 3 hours to race with the CAT 1/2's in the PM, as forgot my worky-work uniform at home & had some stuff to do around the house between trips. So only 2 races rather than my ambitious 3 as I had planned.
An added bonus of getting home was to witness the carnage of the Stage 1 finish at the TdF (I didn't do it Pruitt!).
10. They started the races too early & I didn't get enough sleep.
9. Distracted at registration by old friend & didn't get a proper warm up.
8. & 7. The A/B pace was too slow & the pack was continually swarming allowing no escapes.
6. 5. & 4. My replacement bike is too old, too heavy, & doesn't shift properly.
3. The C/D pack was way too sketchy the whole time.
2. See yesterday's workout.
and the #1 excuse. My lead-out train failed to materialize.
I also thought better than to wait around for 3 hours to race with the CAT 1/2's in the PM, as forgot my worky-work uniform at home & had some stuff to do around the house between trips. So only 2 races rather than my ambitious 3 as I had planned.
An added bonus of getting home was to witness the carnage of the Stage 1 finish at the TdF (I didn't do it Pruitt!).
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Blood Brothers


Really the WSJ? I guess following the trail of $$ might reveal the truth, but this seems beneath them. Course we are now talking about another Rupert Murdoch News Corp company; which 3 years into its control is dangerously close to becoming just another tabloid.
Anybody see any autographed Shack Madones on eBay or in a Belguim bike shop recently?
Friday, July 2, 2010
Yes it was
I was the dweeb in the running powershorts in Chicago today riding my clownbike. Actually my butt is so calloused at this point I didn't really miss not having my nice Assos (but don't tell them that).
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Ambitious schedule
Why set anything else?
Started out this afternoon on a pair of 3-day trips, of which I get back late on the 3rd then go out again in the early evening of the 4th. I'll get in a nice ride & short run in the (not too) windy city tomorrow, then a longer run up in cool showery Juneau on Saturday.
So I was thinking of jumping in the Crit on the 4th in Burien, not once, not twice, but for 3 separate races. Do the Masters races in the AM, they are back-to-back, then the 1/2 race in the early afternoon. Then off to Anchorage - where it won't really get too dark (sunset @ 11:35 sunrise @ 4:30) - for the real fireworks. With a nice ride/run combo on the 5th. Looking to do Hurricane Ridge on the 7th - anybody want to come along?
For the following Saturday I was thinking loading up on the lactic acid by racing a short Tri up in Skagit County on the 10th in the AM, and then do the Redmond Derby Days Crit in the PM - again with a couple of races there.
Of course to be really hardcore I'm planning to bike up to the Clear Lake area (w/gear) the day prior (via the Kingston - Edmonds ferry, 120 miles), then do a post race ride to Redmond to do the crit (65 miles). The only trouble with that might be my timing for the Masters race which starts at 3:30 (which might be tight), though I'd for sure make the 1/2 race in the early evening.
Would it be too much to ask for a ride home after that?
Started out this afternoon on a pair of 3-day trips, of which I get back late on the 3rd then go out again in the early evening of the 4th. I'll get in a nice ride & short run in the (not too) windy city tomorrow, then a longer run up in cool showery Juneau on Saturday.
So I was thinking of jumping in the Crit on the 4th in Burien, not once, not twice, but for 3 separate races. Do the Masters races in the AM, they are back-to-back, then the 1/2 race in the early afternoon. Then off to Anchorage - where it won't really get too dark (sunset @ 11:35 sunrise @ 4:30) - for the real fireworks. With a nice ride/run combo on the 5th. Looking to do Hurricane Ridge on the 7th - anybody want to come along?
For the following Saturday I was thinking loading up on the lactic acid by racing a short Tri up in Skagit County on the 10th in the AM, and then do the Redmond Derby Days Crit in the PM - again with a couple of races there.
Of course to be really hardcore I'm planning to bike up to the Clear Lake area (w/gear) the day prior (via the Kingston - Edmonds ferry, 120 miles), then do a post race ride to Redmond to do the crit (65 miles). The only trouble with that might be my timing for the Masters race which starts at 3:30 (which might be tight), though I'd for sure make the 1/2 race in the early evening.
Would it be too much to ask for a ride home after that?
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