Friday, July 30, 2010

Keep the bums in

Just received my Voters' Pamphlet in the mail this afternoon - and I'm convinced that the current crop of candidates inspires me to keep most, if not all, incumbent candidates in office. Though the primary election is three weeks away (AUG 17th) - it'll cut the predenders from the contenders. Not registered - get registered!

These are the current crop who paid the $1,740 filing fee to be on the list for candidate for US Senator (in order listed):

Ms. Gruber - no info. submitted, no picture, no statement = no votes for you!

Mr. Said - has elected experience as comity chair - oh really? The definition of comity is "a state or atmosphere of harmony or mutual civility & respect." We have a chairman of that? After reading his statement - maybe his experience should also include comedy chair.

Mr Goodspaceguy - you just gotta love the fact that he has ponied up the $$ to officially run for office - I'd suggest that somebody else proof his statement to officially unsabotage his campaign. We do share a like for the same favorite book.

Mike the Mover - perennial original flake.

Mr Akers - "America is begging for authentic, proven leadership." Elected experience - ah well - a glaring goose egg.

Mr. Latimer - Does God really care if this guy does or doesn't get elected.

Mr. Mercer - As he covets his physics background as a climate specialist he then can apply that knowledge to solve the economy how? He appears to be severely worried about securing our borders - damn too many Canadians anyway.

Mr. Didier - One too many blows to the head during football career. That Sarah Palin endorsement will do more to hurt than help. I realize he probably doesn't realize that.

Mr. Leonard - Why don't you just state that you do not have any experience in community service. Ends his sorta patriotic, strong, feel good statement with, "Good fences make good neighbors." Is he referring to a lovey white picket fence, or an impenetrable fence on the border (again damn Canadians), the fenced in gated community he probably lives in, or the electrified razorwire that runs around his personal property? Aim high! Oh wait, wrong branch of service.

Ms. Murray, incumbent - with all the fighting I'd have expected her picture to be more black & blue.

Mr. Burr - a former VP of R&D at The Rock, probably one of the 1% haves he mentions - has him sitting pretty good so as to not accept any private $$ for his campaign. Other than that - he has the experience, and writes a good game.

Mr. Chovil - Duke, Wild Bill, or Newman! would be good pseudonyms, but I wouldn't want to defame any of those with any association to this guy - who if elected may just go postal.

Mr. Rossi - 1 against 99; after twice losing the governors race he now targets the Senate with his simple plan to "pass a Balanced Budget Amendment, because neither Republicans or Democrats in Washington, D.C. have any discipline spending your money." Oh that along with; fix the tax code & replace the health care bill. Simple things for simple minds or just plain simpleton; let the voters decide.

Mr. Allen - will be inaccessible on 1 day during the leap year.

Mr. Baker - Just the facts: no experience, no professional resume, no education = no way!

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